Yesterday was one of the hotter days since we got here but another very hardworking day on the foundation of the new library. This was the first day the homestays affected the amount of labor at the worksite. So there was more to be done with fewer people. It consisted of wheel barrowing and shoveling from one end of the facility to the other. When we gathered the rocks they were put into the foundation of the library for the creation of the floor. Soon we will cover the stones and pebbles with concrete to make a sturdy and durable floor for the library. Unfortunately, our streak of soccer games following days of work came to an end with both soccer balls being deflated and the pump being broken. The good news is that now we have fixed the pump and things are looking up, but it was still very much a let down that we weren’t able to play with the kids our own age. I guess we’ll have to wait for tomorrow to play another game, because we are packing for our homestays tonight.
Chris & Jasper